Welcome To Baskin's Perspective

“Millennium: Prayer for Churches of God in Crisis Everywhere! Lord, Make Us One!”: a heartfelt call for a resurgence in connection with God. It was through drive and divine intervention that God gave me the courage to write what he wanted men to know and to remind them that he is still in control. We live in a time of uncertainty; we are subjected to circumstances and situations which will challenge our very existence.

The church is not a denomination; however, we are the churches. Not the beautiful synagogues or lustrous cathedrals, it’s us. We are the church of God in crisis. We want to do so much for the Lord that we have forgotten about our obligation to the Lord. Yes, we are in a crisis before God because we have desecrated his temple.

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"Churches Of God In Crisis"

by Bishop Earl Baskin Jr

A Poem By Bishop Earl Baskin, Jr.

"The Writer"

With the stroke of my pen, I can suddenly transcend into who and whatever I chose to be.

I am the voice of conscious I only write on hunches and your every thought you see.

I am anybody's everybody somebody's nobody I am the voices of many faces. You see I only write to give inspiration to people of all origins and races.

l write about the things men only dream about and wish they could say, I write about the pain and suffering that goes on both night and day.

With the capsule of me pen I began to wind and spin through areas men wouldn't dare to tread, I have been in your cars traveling near and far, I have been in every book and novel you've read.

I write about the hate and the action some men take just to ease their troubled minds, I write about the hunger and starvation and other atrocities in these our perilous times.

I could be in the white house today or in the doghouse tomorrow, I may even sleep in a wooden box. You see I am recording your deeds and faults, however, a judge I am not.

Now, no distance is too far for me to travel now don't you dare to think, you see with the stroke of my pen my journey suddenly began on This superhighway of ink.

I write about things that make men happy, then again, I write about things which sad. I write about the things which make men cheerful then again, I write about the things that make men mad.

I write about the neglect of our family members which goes on every day. I write about various fashion groups with their cruel and selfish ways.

Yes, I write about these conditions that men deny exist, I will write and continue to write just as long as these conditions persist. I am the eyeball of every man, the voice of every woman and the expression of every child. I am the hand that rocks the cradle of life I am the frown behind your smile.

I am the space between your every step it doesn't matter whether you skip, walk or run. I am only there to keep you in check less. You forget from whence you've come.

Who am I you might ask and just what is my plight, Well I am the voices of conscious, however, I only write on hunches; then again, I enjoy everything I write.

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Dr. Earl Baskin
Memphis, Tennessee

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